

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Naked man caught jumping out of Buckingham Palace window in internet hoax

A video that claims to show a naked man climbing out of a window at Buckingham Palace during the Changing of the Guard has gone viral

A video clip that claims to show a naked man climbing out of a window at Buckingham Palace using a bed sheet has started an online debate as to whether it is real or not.
YouTube / AndersDahlberg
The video shows some Swedish tourists watching the Changing of the Guard near Green Park.
YouTube / AndersDahlberg
When the filmer zooms into Buckingham Palace it appears to show a man climbing out of a window and sliding down a bed sheet.
YouTube / AndersDahlberg
When the man gets to the bottom of the bed sheet he loses grip and falls to the ground from quite a height.
YouTube / AndersDahlberg
No sound can be heard of the fall, neither does anyone in the video react to a man falling such a distance.
It seems that the video was an elaborate hoax.

Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the video and the Metropolitan Police said they have had no reports of the incident.

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